________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY ONE: SEPTEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The School conspiracy \ / By DEATHBRINGER \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Right first i changed the logo at the top coz my other one took up too much space (sorry m8, i removed it 'cause it was too much trouble formatting the colums in the text file - F.S) but im still the same deathbringer,Now on to the conspiracy.First off i nicked one of those board pens from a cupboard last parents evening-IT STILL WORKS-so next time one of your pens run out, blame the govorment!(Oh by the way yes i did use it a lot)Conspiaraccy 2-Schools usually have sponserd walks to raise money and provide better facilities for the school. Well do you ever notice any improvements?i thought not!If you really wanna see where the money goes,look at the staff car park-and they say the pays crap..Conspiracy 3..Learning support classes,in these classes,if you ever where forced to go to one do you notice how they always try to teach you how great the govorment is and 'where we would be whithout leaders' i suggest on your last day or if your in trouble anyway, say either1-Actually a system of anarchy where everyone has the same rights and nothing forced upon them would lead to a more educated,aware and carful population-or 2 FUCK YOU BITCH ANARCHY RULES-By the way i agree whith the first one and say the second one.