________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY ONE: September 1999__________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / More on Internet warfare \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [This article was intended for an issue earlier on in the year, but it] [ never appeared, so i dug it up and popped it in here! ] Think what you like about internet warfare, I'm not talking about picking on some guy online for a laugh, more along the lines of serious revenge for something like, leeching the files from your files library. Of course I won't always just rush into a sudden attack on somebody. So let's start at the top shall we. 1. Discovery Let's say that you've just found a site (actually I found 2) that is leeching the files from your files library. Hmm, what shall we do about it? 2. Warning Ok let's e-mail the two guys about leeching the files, we'll be polite for the time being, something along the lines of: Hi there, Just thought that i'd let you know that I've just put a no-leech script up on swateam.org, so maybe you could follow the advice and upload the files to your server? just as it states on the swateam web page. I won't be charging you for my wasted bandwidth. L8r F.s Not that bad, the guy who I e-mailed that to appolgised and changed his links. So I forgave him and thought nothing more of it. What about the other guy? Well some mail along the lines of: well I had a look at your site and i can't help but laugh at how lame it is, i mean non of your links work! i think that it's something to do with the ANTI LEECH script on swateam.org. Other than your site leeching from me it looks ok, as in visually looks ok, but hey looks aren't everything. So i'll give you 1 week starting monday to remove all of the links before I take action. -=The Firestarter=- that was sent after something fairly polite was sent. All that was done now was to wait for a week, but I couldn't just wait, oh no, a week is just enough time to prepare for a massive internet warfare attack. 3. Preparations Ok so we've got a week to go, luckily a few SWATeam members helped out on this, so credit to them where due, but i'll continue this as if it just me doing it all (it'll make it easier to understand). Right time to download a few programs off the net, I'm not talking about mail bombers or programs like that, after all they don't play a part in this until later. Ok so we'll type in +newsgroup +autoposter in our favorite search engine. Yep you'll find LOTS of spamming programs. But we just want a program that will target newsgroups for the time being. Ok while that's downloading let's go to: http://www.hotpop.com and get an account with them, just fill in all of the information to get an instant account. Once that's done go to http://www.bigfoot.com and get an account with them, forward mail to the hotpop account. Ok so your spamming program should be downloaded by now, so install it and get ready for the next stage. Get a free account with some free ISP with newsgroup access. Fire up your newsgroup autoposter and get a list of all the newsgroups. Now sort out all of the binary newsgroups, there is a reason for that, simply because a few extra kb's to a newsgroup carrying fuck pics won't be bothered with. Ok so that's all set, prepare a message like: test - target@bigfoot.com or something similar with the target bigfoot address in the message body. Now go ahead and fill in all of the "from" fields with that bigfoot address as well. Done that? good spam the groups, just don't target any other newsgroups since they get enough spam, and besides, it's all down to the type of spam we want the victim to get. Once you've posted a "few" mesasges all you need to do then is wait, that part of it is all done. Next up we can do one of many things, the best thing to do would be to find out his ISP account. Do this which ever way you like, all we need to know is his login name and the ISP it's with. Getting his address is also a bonus, again do this however you can, it's not required, but if you want to cause him a few problems then i'd do it, if you don't have his ISP account name then don't bother with the address all that much, but there is still much that can be done with it. Ok so getting that info might take an hour or it might take a few days but nevertheless it's invaluble. Just a point to remember, every day you will have to delete all the mail in the hotpop account, use a program like haktek to delete the mail. Ok now it's time to infobeat the account, so head over to www.infobeat.com and get an account with them, what you have to do now will take up a lot of your time, simply subscribe to EVERYTHING. Yes that's right, all of the reports and everything else that's on there. Takes a long time, but it needs to be done. Ok so now what shall we do? prepare to hack his web site? could do, but not everyone is good at hacking web sites. So instead we'll set up another e-mail account, this time we'll use www.iname.com and set it to forward e-mail to the hotpop account. For the time being leave that account alone. Right let's assume that the guy has only 24hrs to remove the links and he hasn't. Well chances are he's not going to, so let's make a direct attack on him, send him a copy of hard drive killer pro (in the files library), he might not run it, but he might, it's worth a try anyway. Ok so let's see what other stuff we can make an attack on, is he a member of any top 100 list? if so let's load up that spamming program again, yep you guessed it, spam a load of newsgroups with the URL he needs to send people to in order to get votes. Dones that? good now e-mail the webmaster of the site that hosts the top 100 list saying that he's been spamming, perhaps even point out the newsgroups, chances are that somebody else will report him, but better safe than sorry. 4. The attack Ok so it's D-Day, he's had 1 week to remove the links and he didn't, time to undergo the attack. call up his ISP and say that you've forgotten your password, ask them to change it for you and mail it to your address (well your target's address anyway). They should do this if you give them his address and make up some good story, i'll leave all that up to you. Ok so he should now be unable to access that internet with that account for a while. Of couse this would be no problem if he had an account with freeserve or something similar, but this particular guy might not have an account with a free ISP (e.g compuserve, AOL, MSN etc) so he's going to want to have access to his account. Right now let's forward the Iname account to his e-mail address, now forward the bigfoot account to his address and to the iname account. He should now get double the spam (two copies of each message), hell you can go as far as to set up five e-mail forwarders to his address. Given a few days his e-mail account will be so full he won't know what to do with it all. Ok now load up your favorite e-mail bomber and help to fill the e-mail account with insults (just bomb the bigfoot account 200 times). But we're not going to stop there, ok so you might have annihilated his hard drive, locked him out of his ISP account for a few days and filled his e-mail account but it's not enough. For the time being we're going to keep this war online since we don't want to send him gift wrapped road kill (yet). Into hacking? let's target his web site, turn it into a mirror for some gay porn site (there is a reason for this), doing this might take a while, but as long as it has a load of porn on it, it won't matter. Now report his site to the company hosting it, if your lucky he'll be breaking the terms and conditions of the server hosting it, and his account will be pulled. Look out for any other things on his site that you can remove, if he's a member of any web rings then do all you can to remove him from them, try to unsubscribe him from all of the stuff that he's subscribed his web site to. Whether it's a web ring, top 100 list or whatever. 5. The aftermath So his life online has been pretty much disrupted, remember that you must keep a tab on him for a month or two after, try to keep track of his movements online, every e-mail account he sets up must be filled with spam (don't spam more than you have done, just set up another e-mail forwarder and forward mail to that from the bigfoot account). Shut down every web site he sets up, do this however you can. If he changes ISP's, try and get his password changed. Finally if you wanted to really take the piss, bill him for the wasted bandwidth of the site. 6. Final comments I'm not encouraging people to spam, spam is a problem on the internet, but if you feel the need to spam his address to newsgroups, target ones like alt.binaries.kiddie.fuck.pix or something similar, since i think that's all that those newgroups are good for.