_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Lifes little Theories \ / By Syb1_Qui \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Since time has begun the has been a King or Queen watching and Keeping every one in line with the if you disobeyed you would get the death penalty or slavery but since the 1860s they have taken one step further they brought in the government witch has covered up such things as E.B.E (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) encounters, Technology (witch could be found because of the E.B.Es ether crashed UFOs or encounters) or even faked EBE encounters, etc so in this issue of S.W.A.T magazine I will tell you what I think that the government do and cover up ............ The people of this planet suffer because of the government in some way. The government are the people who run your life and confine you to boundaries witch stops you from every thin I will start straight away in saying that whenever you go out you are watched, any thing you say is herd by implants or some government spy it could be any one, you friend, family, the man down the street or even your parents you life is written in black and white and imprinted on your mind though TV, Computers and subliminal messages by sounds that we cannot hear. When you think you don't think it you are told it, like I need a fag or TV, the government get paid (Tax) for the license and for the fags but what do you get out of them nothing except Strike it lucky on a Friday night and lung cancer (witch was made by the government hundreds of years ago (all forms). The X-Files have it to a tee about the abducted and returned with no memory of what happened (after getting drunk blind) with 9 minuets lost but with the abductions you get consequences witch ether you get abducted repeatedly, implants and/or diseases. The implants could be mini microphones, tracers, cameras or even worse a life threatening disease they aren't aliens that abduct you they are the military. Cigarettes are good for the mind but there must be some other way in tacking in the nicotine then inhaling it in to your lungs. There's 1.0mg of nicotine and 12mg of the lung filling tar in one packet of faggs (20) and don't forget that there is all those poisonous gases (carbon monoxide) witch is the worst its deadly all around. I have herd recently that the Gov are making a new kind of tobacco witch has been grown with chemicals (plant growth hormone steroids) witch has more nicotine in less of a fag but there will be more carbon monoxide. --------------------- Moonlanding Pictures! (avalible from www.swateam.org/reviewed/swat20) Stars None of the lunar photos show stars in the sky. The moon doesn't have an atmosphere so why can't we see the stars? I'll tell you why, because NASA couldn't fake the complicated arrangement of the stars, so they just left them out. This theory isn't quite as dumb as the evidence of the shadows, but it's a close call. Anyone seriously proposing it knows nothing about photography. 'Photographic expert' David S. Percy is sometimes quoted supporting this argument. It's rarely added that he is also a lunatic. It is practically impossible to capture a brightly and harshly lit object in the foreground (like, say, an astronaut) and a dim object in the background (like a star) in the same exposure. Do a long exposure to capture the stars and you'll get a fuzzy overexposed blob in the foreground. Do a short exposure to capture the astronaut and the stars just won't appear. Guess what exposure the Apollo cameras used? So why didn't they take any photos with the camera set to capture the stars? Probably because they weren't there to look at the stars. It is quite possible to take far better pictures of the stars with bigger cameras on earth than the ones they'd transported all the way to the moon. Sure, if they'd taken those cameras to the moon they'd have got some stunning pictures. But these were missions where all additional weight had to be justified. But don't take my word for this. Try it your self. Go take a photo of a street light against the night sky. Wonder what photos our 'expert' has ever taken? As for the assertion that NASA couldn't fake the stars, had they wanted to. Well, this will come as a big shock to the all planetariums around the world.. Earth The pictures of the Earth that were taken from the Moon are way too small. The Earth should be bigger. This statement shows a lack of understanding of camera focal lengths. Put simply, with a camera of usual focal length (e.g. 45mm) you get tiny images of distant objects. Try it your self. Take a photo of the moon with your camera. You'll get back from the developers a photo of a tiny white dot in the middle of a black sky. The cameras used by the astronauts during the Apollo landings were not really that much different to your camera in this respect.. They weren't there to take photos of the Earth. Flares This photo, like many others, has strange blobs of light hanging in the moon's sky. What are they then? Another common item of 'proof' presented to prove...er... what exactly? Well, most conspiracy theorist don't explain what these are meant to prove. They are so obvious that you'd think that if they proved the photos were fake then NASA would have air-brushed them out. And if they really are mysterious things in the moon's sky, then isn't that saying that the astronauts really were there? I suppose we shouldn't expect logic or consistancy from the hoax theorist. Either way, the blobs are no mystery at all and any photographer could identify them. They're caused by lens flare, effectively very bright light reflecting off the interior of the camera's lens. If you take a look at some of your own photos of a bright outdoors scene I bet you'll find similar ones. Home-made Look, this photo shows girders and other objects in shot that couldn't have been on the Moon. It proves these photos were fakes taken on Earth. Not quite. It proves the photo was taken on Earth. A lot of the photos produced as evidence are photos taken on Earth. What isn't said that these photos were published prior to the moon landings and show astronauts in training. No-one ever claimed they were from the moon. View From Above The famous 'man on the moon' photo taken by Armstrong of Aldrin is a view from above. You can tell this because you can see the top of Aldrin's head. But the camera was held on Armstrong's chest, below eye level. This proves that Armstrong did not take the photo as claimed and it is a fake. The 'proof' doesn't come any dumber than this. Armstrong was further up an incline on the moon's surface, so he was above Aldrin. Again, a staggeringly simple explanation any backward five year old could grasp. But some people really don't get this. Half Baked The temperatures on the moon would have baked film until it frizzled. So the Apollo astronauts couldn't have taken any photos. Well, gee, I supposed they must have protected the cameras from the heat in a similar way that they protected the astronauts. Is this impossible? There is one single thing that proves positive men went to the moon, and it can be done by just about anyone. Ok, maybe not everyone, but plenty have done it and and it proves men have been up there. Basically all you do is buy a laser and a detector and a light collecting mirror. Then you fire it at a precise point on the moon. There is a reflector there, placed by Apollo astronauts. Now if there was nothing at that point but rock that would be the last you would see of your laser. But time and time again scientist claim to have been getting their laser relected back. Indeed, they have done a number of experiments using these reflectors. So either you're going to argue that all these unrelated scientists are in on the hoax with NASA, or you have to accept that someone put those reflectors up there