_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / A beginners guide to Cracking \ / By qwaszx \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In this article I am going to show you how to crack Terrapin FTP (V2.1.1 Build 3). This will demonstrate some simple cracking techiques that can be used in many other windows shareware. Programs Needed (Search the net for them) ----------------------------------------- Terrapin FTP V2.1.1.003 (http://www.terra-net.com) Windows Dissasembler V8.9 Hackers View V5.81 A C compiler (eg. DJGPP) - for making the patch If your versions are different from the ones shown above, you shouldn't have any trouble using them, but what I say in this tutorial may not fully apply to you. Analysing the program --------------------- The first thing to do when cracking the program is finding out what you are dealing with. So load up Terrapin FTP and see what happens. I am assuming that you installed the program and left the initial registration request blank (The one in the setup routine) The first thing that pops up is the nag screen moaning at you to register. If we click on 'Unprotect' A window pops up asking you to enter in your Registration key. If you leave it blank then whte window just disappears, but when you type in something (Any random text will do), you get a message box saying that you have got the code wrong. Thats pretty much it for the information gathering. We now know that you need a registration code and that the nag message only pops up if you actually type in a code (Otherwise it leaves the program in trial mode). Doing the crack --------------- Now to actually crack the program. Fire up Windows Dissasembler and open the ftp95.exe file. Wait for a bit while the program actually dissasembles the file. Once that has (finally!) finished, click on Refs->String_Data_References (or the toolbar icon that does the same). Look through the list that pops up. Some way down, the following pops up: "Invalid Registration Code." This is the SAME as the title of the message box that pops up when you enter the wrong code. Double-click on this line to take you to the piece of code that shows the message box. The following piece of code will appear in the main window: :00447975 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :00447978 85C0 test eax, eax :0044797A 753C jne 004479B8 <--- Note this down :0044797C 6A00 push 00000000 :0044797E 6A00 push 00000000 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Invalid Registration Code." | :00447980 68051C4A00 push 004A1C05 A few lines above the message is a line saying jne 004479B78. This is what is called a Conditional Jump. Basically it means that had you got the Registration Code right, then the program would have jumped to somewhere else (Where the program gets registered). Now I think it is about time we looked at jump instructions. These instructions basically tell the program to jump to another point - like the GOTO command in basic. Here is a list of some common jump commands. jmp - Jump no matter what je - Jump if equal jne - Jump if not equal jz - Same as jump if equal jnz - Same as jump if not equal ja - Jump if above jae - Jump if above or equal jb - jump if below jbe - jump if below or equal jna - jump if not above jnae - jump if not above or equal jnb - jump if not below jnbe - jump if not below or equal jc - jump if carry flag set There are others, but these are the most common ones, and the ones you will be dealing with most in cracking is je, jne, and jmp. For more information on these, take a look at an assembly reference guide or tutorial. There is also a NOP instruction that means do nothing - this is good for removing instructions from programs without altering the code too much. This isn't necessary in our case though. Just remember it, you may need to use the NOP instruction in your own cracks. Look again at the listing: :00447975 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :00447978 85C0 test eax, eax :0044797A 753C jne 004479B8 <-- jump if code correct :0044797C 6A00 push 00000000 :0044797E 6A00 push 00000000 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Invalid Registration Code." | :00447980 68051C4A00 push 004A1C05 That jne instruction says to jump to the 'good registration' message box if some condition is not equal. (Obviously that condition is that we enter the right code). What we need to do is make sure that the program always jumps to the 'good registration' message box. So we need to change that jne instruction to a jmp (Jump always) instruction. Move the blue bar to the line with the jne instruction on, and note down the OFFSET at that point (look at the status bar - it says @Offset 00046D7Ah in file:ftp95.exe ^ This is the offset The offset is simply a different way of writing down the address of a point in the program. (For those interested - it is how many bytes from the start of the file that location is) So make a backup copy of ftp95.exe (called ftp95bak.exe) and load the backup copy into Hackers View (HIEW.EXE). I have Hackers View on my Send To menu in windows so I can load up any file easily. When you have the file loaded up in hackers view, press F4, then F3 to change to ASM view. Then Press F5 (Goto) and type in the offset that you noted down earlier (00046D7A). This will take you to the code that we were working on earlier. Then press F3 (Edit) and then F2 (Enter assembly code). A window with the following pops up: +- Pentium(R) Pro Assembler -------------------------------------+ jne 000046DB8___________________________________________ +----------------------------------------------------------------+ We need to change that jne to a jmp, so use your arrow keys to delete the jne and type in jmp in its place. Press enter to make the chages to the file. Then press Escape to exit from the window. Unfortunately, the jmp instruction takes up more bytes than the jne instruction. Take a look at the hex dumps before and after: Before: 00046D7A: 753C jne 000046DB8 00046D7C: 6A00 push 000 00046D7E: 6A00 push 000 00046D80: 68051C4A00 push 0004A1C05 After: 00046D7A: E939000000 jmp 000046DB8 00046D7F: 006805 add [eax][00005],ch Where on earth has that add instruction come from?!?!?!?!!? If we look carefully, the jmp instruction has overwritten half of the second 'push 000' instruction and appears to have messed up the rest of the program. (In reality this isn't the case, but I like to tidy up after myself). What we need to do is clean this up, so type in 90 and look again at the listing. 00046D7A: E939000000 jmp 000046DB8 00046D7F: 90 nop 00046D80: 68051C4A00 push 0004A1C05 90 is the hex value of the NOP instruction (A nop does have its uses you know). Whats important here is the push instruction underneath is now the same as it was before we applied the crack. Now I'm not too sure if this is neccesary, but I like neat and tidy edges, and it looks a bit better, so I put it in. Now press F9 to update the file and press F10 to quit. Run ftp95bak.exe and click on 'Unprotect'. Type in anything into the boxes and now you should find that a box comes up saying 'Thank you for registering!' - See you shelled out all that money to help the authors develop better software. Yeah right! You used your super cracking skills to register the program wihtout the cash! Well done! Now you need to practice on other programs. Don't be too adventurous at first! You're not going to write a Universal Microsoft Key Generator on your first try (Unless you already know the algorithm :) ). This technique does work on a great many windows programs however and it's surprising how quickly you can crack a program. (It took me longer to install the software than to crack it!) Making a Patch -------------- After spending all that time (2 minutes is a long time!) cracking your program, just imagine if you had to do that for all your mates who wanted the program cracking (You would have to hex edit the file, register it, use the dissasembler blah blah blah....). And what about the rest of the world. What we need is a program that will crack the application for us. Enter the patch..... A patch is a program that edits your application (usually) to crack it. I have included a patch program at the end of this file written in C. It's only a simple program and it doesn't check to make sure it has the right file. Maybe I'll include a better patcher in a later article. What the patch does is change the bytes in the file to those that you specify (Which in turn are the same as those that you used to crack the file with Hackers View). Confusing? Sorry, I don't explain these things very well. Lets take a look at the hex dumps again. Before: 00046D7A: 753C jne 000046DB8 00046D7C: 6A00 push 000 00046D7E: 6A00 push 000 00046D80: 68051C4A00 push 0004A1C05 After: 00046D7A: E939000000 jmp 000046DB8 00046D7F: 90 nop 00046D80: 68051C4A00 push 0004A1C05 The start of the differences is at offset 00046D7a, so when you edit the patch program, the starting point is at that address. Then we need the new values to change the code to. For this we look at the 'After:' hex listing. From this we can see that the bytes are: E9,39,00,00,00,90 (The others - 6805 etc... - are the same both before and after) All we need to do now is feed those numbers into the patch program and compile it with a C compiler (You did get one of those didn't you). If you have one of those newer windows compilers (Visual C++ etc...) then make sure you set the compiler to compile a DOS program. Anyway here's the patch file: ----BEGIN patch.c---- #include FILE *in; int main() { puts ("<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>"); puts ("<> <>"); puts ("<> Terrapin FTP Registration <>"); puts ("<> Patch <>"); puts ("<> by qwaszx for readers of <>"); puts ("<> SWAT Magazine <>"); puts ("<> <>"); puts ("<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>\n"); in = fopen("ftp95.exe","r+b"); /* Put the Filename to patch on this line */ if (in == NULL) { puts("Unable to open File. Make sure that it exists and is"); puts("In the current directory and try again."); return(0); } /* This is where you put the offset that we noted before*/ fseek(in, 0x46d7a, SEEK_SET); /* Each one of these lines patches one byte */ /* This is where the values that we noted down before go */ /* E9,39,00,00,00,90 */ fputc(0xE9,in); fputc(0x39,in); fputc(0x00,in); fputc(0x00,in); fputc(0x00,in); fputc(0x90,in); /* Close the file*/ fclose(in); puts ("File patched.\nEnjoy!\n=qwaszx="); return (0); } ----END patch.c----