________________________________________________________ / | PyroPutty | \ /\______|_______________________________________|_________/\ ---<|| By -(The Mad Scientist)- ||>--- \/ themadscientist@x-stream.co.uk \/ \________________________________________________________/ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINETEEN: JULY 1999 Here's a great new pyrotechnic formula. Unlike many others, it's not powder but a dough like solid that's easy to work with. It's based upon the famous sodium chlorate weedkiller. Ingredients =========== 60% Sodium Chlorate weedkiller (get it from your garden centre) 40% P-38 bodyfiller or similar fiberglass filler, ensure the type you get is flammable. (get it from a car repair shop e.g. halfords or your local repair shop) * P-38 hardner (included with the filler) * Icing sugar Ingredients marked * are optional Functions ========= Sodium chlorate: oxidiser, helps other substances to burn well. P-38: fiberglass filler, gives the substance its solid consistency and is flammable so also acts as a fuel. Hardner: causes the mixture to set Icing sugar: an additional fuel, fine powder and high surface area so very fast burning. Helps the mixture to burn faster. Instructions ============ 1. Place the sodium chlorate on a surface and pound or grind it up into a fine powder. IF you wish you can dissolve the chlorate and re-crystallise it to remove the fire depressant and help it to burn. 2. Place it into a bowl and add the P38 filler. If you wish to use icing sugar you can add it at this point. This will make it burn faster and light easier. Ensure that the total percentage of P38 and sugar adds up to around 40% of the total mix. Perhaps a total formula of 20% P38, 20% sugar and 60% chlorate is best. 3. Roll around in the mixing bowl so the P38 absorbs the chlorate powder until no powder is left. 4. If you want your putty to set, then add some of the hardener into the mixture according to the quantities recommended on the P38 can. Mix it in well. Shape it as you wish. If you didn't add any hardner, you'll now have what I call PyroPutty, an incendiery mixture with about the consistency of bread dough. It can be moulded into shapes just like plastic explosive and should stick to surfaces. If you added hardner, after around 15 minutes it'll set rigid and you'll now have what I call a FireRock, a greyish stone-like solid which should be totally rigid. Both of them should burn like fury. Use within a day or so for best results. 5. Light with a lighter (it should light after a few seconds of a normal flame) and get back! If you have problems getting it lit then increase the percentage of chlorate slightly. Ideas ===== J-day and Xplosiv slapped some PyroPutty on the tyre of a tractor and lit it. It burnt like hell and the tyre stared to melt and bubble. Just then your friendly local "man walking a dog" came by and tried to put it out by kicking dirt on it. Ha, you fool, you don't stand a chance against the oxidising power of sodium chlorate. The man became more and more frustrated at his futile attempt, and finally went out on its own in the end. I'm sure you don't need me to tell me what to do with it, but if you need advice, for a laugh make a FireRock and before it sets mould it into a grenade like shape, get it lit, and then wearing heavy gloves throw it through someones window. Yell "GRENADE!" as well to give it that all important warzone atmosphere :-) Oh, and run, as well. Experiment with this stuff, but don't kill youself, after all the smoke it makes smells rather foul and is probably poisonous. If you come up with any improvements to it then tell me, my email's at the top of the article. Until Next month: Have fun, but try not to blow off your arms! /=====================\ [-(The Mad Scientist)-] \=====================/