_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHTEEN: JUNE 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / .Blasting Matches. \ / By InSaNe \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay I am going to tell how to make the worlds most fucking easiest to make bomb and everyone can get a hold of the ingridients needed for this bomb. NEEDED THINGS ============= 4 Match Boxes 1 Smarties Tube 1 Hairspray Can Tissue Paper METHOD ====== Okay I take it everyone can get that stuff. Now it seems alot to do but it will take about 3 mins to snap of all the match heads. But you will need to save one full box of matches so only snap up the match heads in the other 3 boxes. Now you have ripped all the match heads of put them all into the smarties tube now spray ther hairspray inside the smarties tube now put the tissue paper in the smarties tube with a little bit sticking out. Now get the hairspray and spray all arround the tube and then get one of the matches that you saved and light then put it by the tube as soon as the flame comes in contact with the tube that is covered in hairspray it will ignite and therefore the tissue paper ignites going down to the match heads causing them to blow up and blast out everywhere. It also make a hurrendeous noise. PEARSONAL NOTE ============== This method is pretty good if your sat next to someone you want to make them shit therselves and get covered in scolding match heads then this method will do the trick. HAVE PHUN