_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FOURTEEN: FEBRUARY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Utilising your School \ / By: Sunburst (sunburst@which.net) \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So many people that I know have come up to me to ask if they can have some magnesium, sulphuric acid etc. Most of the people reading this file will still be at school, so why not take advantage of it? IMO school is only good for one thing, the amount of stuff which you can 'borrow' or buy from it. Most of the pointless crap that you get taught is all over the internet so if you ever feel in the mood to learn :) What I usually do is to buy my chemicals etc from the science techs, at a v. cheap price. This isnt strictly allowed, schools dont pay VAT, but if you get to know the science teacher most will be very cooperative. In the past I have bought Nitrogen Dioxide, good stuff for getting high and not illegal :-)), a shit load of magnesium, and other miscellanoius stuff. In my experience science techs know a lot more than the teachers and are a good source of information. If you have a bastard tech who wont sell you any stuff, then you can think about stealing. If you can buy, do it because its a: fuckin cheap and b: you learn a lot from the techs. If you do steal always, always work alone, your chances of getting caught are much slimmer and it is easier to make up an excuse up on your own, eg how do you explain when a teacher see's you and 2 mates with a TV? Another piece of advice is that you should stay to the small things, how many of your science teachers would miss 20g of mangnesium powder? Another good place to go to save you money would be to the computer room. Computer techs and admins are either a: alright and cooperative or b: absolute wankers, its about 50/50. If you have an alright admin they will allow you to borrow software CD's to install on your box, with a little social engineering. A tech is unlikely to let you borrow a software CD without an excuse. What I usually do is make something up like I accidently deleted some important system file/ *.dll/ etc and my cds corrupted so you could you lend me a copy. If youve got a tight sysadmin they wont let you, so you'll have to do it another way. For this method you will need a portable compression drive such as a zip or jaz drive, you will also need the driver disk, and write acsess to the windows directory (schools always use NT or sometimes even 95 networks :)) If your network is NT or 95 based it ranges from v.easy to moderate to gain write acsess, if you have RM I will cover it in another file. Another way to do it if you dont have write acsees (spelling?) is to copy the driver files on to a floppy disk and create a bootdisk, shouldnt be to hard :), and then put the network drivers on as well. When youve booted up (dos or windows) plug in the drive and you should be able to copy stuff off the network on to the zip drive. This should work on most school networks, if it doesnt work on yours mail me at sunburst@which.net and I might be able to help. Oh yeah put the drive under a bag or somethin, if you dont wanna get busted :) The English department is good if you want to read up on shakspere Music teachers are usually glad to help you out and quite occasionally give out stuff for free, guitar leads, tabalature books etc. Both of the music teachers at my school absoultly fuckin despise the school, and have no problem giving away the schools equipment. The music teachers probably woudnt notice if anything went missing anyway. The cooking room is a good place to try if your hungry and in need of a snack or two. Try eating a whole fruit cake in under a minute :) I have noticed that there are a large number of stupid people who are prepared to pay for shite. £10 for Msworks 2? £3 for 10 ex-aol floppy disks? This can often make you quite a bit of money, about enough for glastonbury and the V* music festivals :) A good and obvious way to get floppy disks are ISP's who do junk mail. AOL for example are only to happy to send floppy disks to any adress each month, just say you dont have a floppy drive. Have them send them to your home address and at school. Do this to compuserve and UK Online as well. This gives you about 10 disks a month. That's the end of my file. I'm happy to answer any questions either on IRC or by mail (sunburst@which.net). Any comments would be appreciated. Sunburst, sunburst@which.net