*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TEN: OCTOBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Johnny Guns. | | By 3viL ()n!oN | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, everyone must have made these at some point. And I'll bet all you used them for was firing stones at cats. Well, they have MUCH greater potential. Be Afraid. Be very Afraid... For those of you who had a deprived childhood, here's how to make a Johnny Gun. You will need: The neck of a glass bottle A condom, or, for preference, the middle finger of a rubber glove. Sellotape Epoxy (optional) What you do: Take the bottle neck and sand/file the edges till they are smooth. Tape the johnny to the inside edge of the opening of the bottle neck(the end where the cap used to be). You can glue this if you like. Now simply drop a stone into the open end of the gun, pull back, take aim, and let fly. These things have been known to fire stones faster than some airguns fire pellets. Alternative Ammo: This is where the fun begins.... NAILS: Pretty self-explanatory. Or get some twine and tie three nails together. Use BIG nails. Then go about firing nails at things. Cool. MINI-GENERIC BOMBS:You should know how to make these. Just make smaller ones. DAMP OXO CUBES:Make the whole place smell of beef... HAALOWE'EN SPECIALS:Peanuts. Lots of 'em. SCALDERS:Take a peanut shell. Break it in half. Remove peanuts. Then make some pop tarts. Try to burn them. Remove the jam without touching it. Fill peanut shells with boiling hot, very sticky jam. Fire these @ ppl. GARDEN CANES:Make these about a foot long. Sharpen one end to a point. Hee Hee If you have any ideas for more ammo types, or if you are just very bored, e-mail me at Onion_666@yahoo.com. You might get lucky and see your ideas in print. Whee. All contributors will receive full credit for their work... 3viL ()n!oN 98