*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TEN: OCTOBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .The Dark art of Phreaking/Deception. | | By BRAKIS | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Its a bit of both for this article where I tell you how to get free 1 minute phone calls. Ok we have all seen the new £2 coins that BT say the new modern payphones take. But guess what they dont. So you phone up the operator in a pissed off tone of voice from one of these deceptive phones (I use my disgruntled yorkshiremen accent) the converation should go something like this..... OP: "hello operator" ME: "dont give me no chauf, I want to know why the bloody hell this fucking phone swallowed my shiny new £2" OP: "Er sorry sir but I am afraid that the phones dont take those coins yet" ME: "well it says on your fucking poster wit stupid ol `t' witch on front that they do take the chaufin coins." OP: "well if you give me your name and address we can organise a refund" ME: "No thats not bloody good enough this call is an emergency" OP: "well the best I can give you is a 1 minute phone call" ME: "well that'll just have to bloody do then wont it." I then gve her the number and was connected to Rob Mckintyre of gilbraith road in fife. whom I was able to give abuse to for 1 minute. BRAKIS 98