*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINE: SEPTEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Increasing Free Time When Using Tone Diallers. | | by =The-Doh-Boy= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- By =The-Doh-Boy= The Basics. Way back a few months ago -=The Firestarter=- found out that when you use your tone dialler to dial residential numbers at a payfone, you get one second free. This is ideal for shouting short four letter words at your victim, or exchange scanning, however it is hardly any good for a prolonged conversation!!! Fortunately after some thought I have come up with an idea which will give you the chance to talk for as long as you want on the fone without emptying your pockets. What you need: A small spade, Wirecutters, Wirestrippers, A secluded payfone, Good nite vision. Its basically the usual Beige Box Kit which all you experienced phreaks actually have already but for the beginners who don't have these, GET THEM. Basically wait until its nite time and go out to the secluded fone, if it has a reasonably big area of dirt or grass behind it then so much the better. Start digging behind the fone with the spade until you come across the wires. Keep the red and green wires intact because you need these to make calls. However through trial and error and cutting the two wires, find the one which sends the billing pulses to the fone. Its these pulses which kick in after a second and disconnect you. Anyway, cut that wire and cover over with dirt to hide your tampering. Go to the fone and enjoy calling out to where ever you like. Try splicing the wires back together once finished so that no-one reports it. The Advanced Section. For those of you who want to use this personal "fiddle" permanently without the gestapo figuring out your scam too quickly. There are ways of prolonging its life. Firstly, cut the wires quite far back from the fone so that when the gestapo dig up closer to the fone, all seems well. Secondly, you may want to add a switch at the cut or further back behind a hedge to prevent you having to dig up earth every time you go out to the fone. For this you can acquire a switch from your local electronics store and a good amount of copper wire, and if you don't have crocs in your Biege Box Kit then GET THEM. All you have to do is attach two crocs to two seperate strands of copper wire at the desired length and wire these up to the switch. Hide the switch in some grass or shrubbery (its beginning to sound like gardeners world) and there you have it! Also, if you ever phreak from a payphone, it helps to do some damage to it so that when the gestapo come to check out why there is less cash in the box than there should be, they have a nice explanation right there. Personally, I dont have to bother with this because there are a lot of Kappa wearing dance music fans who do the job for me. Have some fun with this and remember the disclaimer at the home page of this site. I care if you get busted you know, because its like another victory for the establishment. Providing you dont get caught you can E-mail me comments about my articles, ideas you may have yourself, or descriptions of the fun you have at others expense at Babel86@Hotmail.com