*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SEVEN: JULY 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Eavsdropping Using Call Waiting. | | By =The-Doh-Boy= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following article will tell you absolutely the best method to satisfy your paranoia. Girlfriend talking about you behind your back? Cheating on you? Well Mr Insecure, tapping her fone line ought to give you the info you require. However, if you take the focus away from your acute paranoia and think of the uses such a tap could offer then you would see that the list is endless. Cellular eavesdropping is one application, recording the "signature" of someone elses fone and using it to trick the network into thinking you are a valid user. Or the entirely new phenomenon of "passive hacking", where you eavesdrop on an internet connection and the password and account code e.t.c. is revealed to you. Or listening in to recieve credit card numbers. I'm sure you creative types can think of a million other uses for such a technique. Whats that? cant afford all the equipment? read on.......... You may not actually have to fork out (or steal) the equipment. Using new techniques I have just learned about would make this accessible to anyone with two fone lines OR a mobile fone OR a friend with full use of his fingers. How to do this goes like this: 1) Call Fuck Boy up while he's blabbing to his friend (if applicable) FUCK BOY'S FRIEND------FUCK BOY / / / YOU Whats happened is that Fuck Boy starts hearing the call waiting beep. Meanwhile, your hearing the nice call waiting lady. 2) Eventually Fuck Boy decides to answer his call waiting FUCK BOY'S FRIEND//////FUCK BOY - - - YOU Your now on the active line and his friend is on the waiting line. Remain silent at this point or you'll blow your cover. Wait till he goes to the other line again but don't hang up! 3) You call yourself (or get someone else, automated or otherwise, to do it for you) FUCK BOY'S FRIEND-------FUCK BOY YOU-------YOU Whats happened is that you've put Fuck Boy on hold while you listen to the other call. Meanwhile the network starts to crap its pants as it can't decide which kind of line the connection is on, waiting or active, so it presumes that you hung up, but no. 4) You go back over to the line you put on hold FUCK BOY'S FRIEND-------FUCK BOY/YOU You've now "tunnelled" accross to his line, making you more or less an extention of the guys home phone line!!!!! SPECULATIVE SECTION / This hasn't been tried out yet but I will do my best to report back on it next issue. Does any of the above sound remotely familiar? "The network thinks you've hung up, but no". It might to anyone who's heard of blue boxing. It seems to me that if you repeated the last two processes again after Fuck Boy hangs up you could get his dial tone!!!! I've heard from Barakis that there are residential lines on 080089xxxx, this being true then the same trick could be pulled on these (with the added benefit that you don't pay for the call). May just be me hyping things up but.........