*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SEVEN: JULY 1998* ********************************************************************** | .The dark art of Deception for P/A. | | by Barakais | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- One of my specialities in S.W.A.T. is Phreaking. Now if I have to explain the above term and all the little nuances of it then go away because I really have no time for the amateurs. Any way now that there away we can get down to the business at hand. Deception for Anarchy, This is great if you are good at impressions,good at acting and lying you probably have what it takes: Its the same thing as my infamous Phreak to insure my Penis shaped car, Its being able to Blag your way passed anything the phone company puts in your way, Its being able to Bullshit your way into an office or laboratory and getting your hands on some Chemcals and/or information. The next couple articles will be about the various ways that I have found over the years to get into places and systems ussually not open to us mere revolutionaries. ============================================================================ Ridiculous as this sounds I have always believed that those of us with the gift of being able to twist people's perception of you and the things you present them with as something you can choose to use any way you see fit. I think what I am trying to say is that whenever you feel what your doing is wrong or you feel you are getting an unfair buzz out of what you are doing then just accept it and remember that its for the greater purpose of Anarchy fighting for your individuality ,fighting for your freedom and just accept that you enjoy what you do, after all we are only human. Any way thats my philosophical ramblings over for this month.. Brakis..........98 As always if you want to get in touch via S.W.A.T. Mail then feel free I love Hearing from those who share my interests.