*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIX: JUNE 1998* ********************************************************************** | .How to crack and have fun with an answer phone. | | by -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You can crack an answer phone either for fun or to get free phone calls this method has been used hunderds of times before so don't worry about getting caught. If you enemy has an answer phone then you can run him up a huge bill. If you want to get a few numbers of an answer phone then you can call around at times when people are unlikely to be home, this can be costly so find a phone in a supermarket with pay on answer then just don't put any money in and the supermarket can pick up the bill. Many answer phones with "beeperless remote" can be cracked fairly easily. They usualy require a one, two or three digit access code to active the hidden features. These features include listening to messages, changing the outgoing message (OGM), rewinding the tape, and even eavesdropping on the room the machine is in. 1. If the access code is only one digit, the method is simple- try them, all! To discove a two digit access code, you could try all pairs of digits (there are only 100 of them) but this means pressing 200 digits. Since extra digits are usually ignored, you can cut this in half and try all 100 codes with only 101 digits by using the following sequence: 01122334455667788991 35790246803692581471 59370494838272616051 72959628408529639974 197531864209876543210 Some machine are restricted to only a few possible digits for the code. For example, if the digits must be 3, 5 or 6 as in some panasonic models, you can use the following sequence: 33556636653 Of course, you stop as soon as the machine responds (Usually with a beep, the number of beeps indicating how many messages there are.) Three digit access codes are harder to "crack," but still you can try common sequences like 123 or all of the digits the same. Also, most machines with three digit access codes reset to a 000. Some 2 digit machines: Panasonic models KX-T1450, KX-T1460, KX-T1423 Some 3 digit machines: Code-a-phone models 2770, 5530, AT&T1330 2. Once you know the code for remote access, there is usually a one digit code for selecting a special function. For our panasonic example, the one digit codes are as follows: 1 Backspace 2 Skip forward 3 Reset 4 Memory playback 5 Room monitor 6 7 Record OGM 8 9 End OGM 0 Turn off * Nothing # Even if the machine is turned off, you can activate it by calling and waiting for exactly 15 rings, then hang up. A little trial-and-error will usually get you a list like the one above after a while, you may recognise the sound of the beep or tape rewind, or realise what machine you are talking to by guessing at only a few of the one digit codes. You can also go to your local electronics store and ask to see the instructions booklet of any of the models they carry. As another example, here is the list of commands for the code-a-phone model 2770: 1 Rewind 2 Repeat 3 Fast forward 4 Change OGM (press again to stop) 5 Stop playback 6 Record message 7 8 Play NEW messages 9 turn off 0 Time/Day announcement * # 3. Since you now know how to operate anyone's answer phone as if it were your own, let's see how you can "Beat the system" using all this fancy technology. Let's say you live in London and you have a friend in Glasgow. You "Crack" a machine in Glasgow (or better yet have your friend do it for you where the cracking is a local call). You change the OGM message to the following: "Hello? ... (Long pause) ... Yes, operator I will accept. Hey, buddy, How are you?" Now you are all set to make reverse charge calls to the machine and it WILL accept the charges! You can then leave a message as long as you want. When you are through, your friend calls the machine, get's the message, and can leave one for you, which you call back and hear. When you are done, your friend calls up the machine, erases the message and puts back something like the original OGM (or leaves it blank) and no one is none the wiser. If you use different machines and don't run up too big a bill on one phone number, it might not ever get noticed. You can signal your frind to call by ringing twice and hanging up, or placing a reverse charge call from "John" which is refused, or simply by waiting for a pre-arranged time. Now here's how to have some real good fun at the other person's expence, (It helps if you don't like the person). 1. Ring up the answer phone when they are away, check the messages. If there is one that seems important then erase it. 2. Change the OGM to accept reverse charge calls and run up a fucking huge bill. 3. Change the OGM to one of the following: A) "Hello? Who is this? Look just fuck off, I told you not to ring me ever again, go on piss off and don't ring back." B) "Welcome to 's whips and chains, I can't get to the phone right now, so please leave your message and I'll get back to you." C) "Hello? Listen can you ring me back in 10 minutes, I'm having a wank/shag/orgy/bondage session thanks." D) "Hello? I'm sorry, I'm stealing the TV and Video at the moment, so ring back in a few hours when they get back." E) "Sorry the number you have dialed no longer exists. " F) Bleat like a sheep for two or three minutes. G) For the ultimate sick joke you need the following: A starter pistol Another friend. (Person 1) "Help, help" (Person 2) "Get off the fucking phone" (Person 1) "Help me please he's got a gun" (Person 2) "Get off the FUCKING PHONE" (Person 1) "No, please" (Person 2 fires the pistol a few times and a dail tone is played) Try to make this one sound real. H) "Yeah man, Hey guess what, I've just been smokin' pot man and it's really cool, it's like cool like y'know, listen I gotta go, I've some heroin to shoot up, thanks for the call maybe you ring me back huh?" I) Just swear constantly. J) "Hello? hey guess what! I've just shagged a Goat/sheep/another (wo)man/melon." So as you can see there is much fun to be had, imagine if your enemies parents ring up and get OGM A or C and wouldn't it be nice if the police where to ring and go either D, G or H. This can cause havoc within the family and friends of your victim. A group of phreakers once hacked a machine in a police station and changed the message to: "We're too busy eating dougnut's and masturbating to take your call right now." or something like that, anyway imagin the fun if you where to hack one of those, catalouge numbers, like gratins or look again, a few well placed words in the OGM and the company gets sued for telling the customers to: "Go and fuck your mum you cunt" the fun you can have is endless.