Announcement NCSA Mosaic v2.1 is publically available. This latest release adds a couple new features such as the Kodak Photo CD technology and client side image maps. We've also addressed bugs. The biggest most annoying bugs being network connectivity under 16-bit winsocks and a bug in Mosaic OLE CCI. Our latest release also represents a compilier upgrade. We went from Microsoft's VC++ 2.2 to VC++ 4.0. A major step in the right direction. With VC++ 4.0 we're once again working to build releases for Windows NT under MIPS and the Power PC. The MIPS compile is available and the PPC compile will be released as soon as we debug the jpeg library. Unfortunately there won't be a build of 2.1 for the aXP. DEC recalled the loan on the system and we don't have a machine to compile a release. Mosaic(TM) for Microsoft Windows is available on NCSA's ftp server or from a link on our home page. From our FTP server,, Mosaic can be found in the /Mosaic/Windows/ directory. Once in the /Mosaic/Windows directory change to the directory that represents your operating system. These directories are: /Mosaic/Windows/Win31x /Mosaic/Windows/Win95 /Mosaic/Windows/WinNT/DEC /Mosaic/Windows/WinNT/Intel /Mosaic/Windows/WinNT/MIPS /Mosaic/Windows/WinNT/PPC NOTE: The Kodak Photo CD Technology is only available for the Intel(95, NT, 3.1x) versions of NCSA Mosaic. We hope you enjoy this latest release.